Monday, February 27, 2017

By Dr. M. R. Dowler

We have not always had the Bible we enjoy today. For over half of the 2,000+ years of church history there was no Bible readily available to the common man outside of a small number held by scholars and the church hierarchy. The King James Version is the greatest and most widely accepted English translation of the Bible. The KJV we have today (the 1769 Cambridge Edition) is the seventh edition of the ninth translation of the scriptures. And statistics indicate the KJV is read five times more than the modern New International Version.

In 1604 King James I appointed a translation committee consisting of fifty-four of the most brilliant minds of the time. Their work; named after their king was published in 1611. Interestingly, ninety percent of the KJV came from prior versions, namely the Tyndale, Coverdale and Geneva Bibles. But it is the relationship between the Geneva and the King James Version that has an interesting and ironic twist.

King James hated the Geneva Bible and specifically instructed his translators to avoid using the Geneva as a source document unless absolutely necessary. James’ contempt for the Geneva Bible was that it included two commentary notes supporting resistance to corrupt authorities (Exodus 1:9; 2 Chronicles 15:16). Needless to say, the translation committee ignored the king and used more of the Geneva than any other source. The narcissistic king could not stand any one (or thing) challenging the authority of his position.

There has always been a conflict between man’s arrogance and God’s authority. Jesus’ authority as the Son of God was challenged during His earthly ministry (Mark 11:27-33). God’s Word is the perfect reflection of His mind (Philippians 2:5), and is authoritative whether it is believed or obeyed (Exodus 7:1-4; Revelation 22:18-19). The authority of the Bible is tied to its inspiration and sufficiency; the Sola Scriptura, Latin for “the Scriptures Alone.” Earthly rulers and potentates may use their given authority to promote themselves and silence their enemies, but it is God and His holy Word that stands above all (Matthew 5:18). Sola Scriptura---the Scriptures Alone. Think about it.

Monday, February 20, 2017

By Dr. M. R. Dowler

This week’s blog article could go several different directions, but I’ll stick with my original thoughts. What was first reported as checkout counter tabloid fodder was actually true---that Bruce Jenner was “transitioning” into what we now know as Caitlyn Jenner. Gender reassignment AKA a sex change operation is hardly new, but because of Jenner’s notoriety, his change has made him the most openly transgender in the world. It still seems amazing that acts of perversion as reported in the National Inquirer (and other tabloids) are so fascinating to so many.

We all know the facts---former Olympic gold-medal winning he-man Bruce Jenner is now 67-year old medically-manipulated female Caitlyn Marie Jenner. Transgenderism has become a hot-button topic spawning even more perversion. What began in the 1979 as the LGBT movement, has now morphed into something identified as LGBTQ (Q standing for Questioning). It’s gotten so bad that some don’t even know which restroom to use!

Secular scientists in the field of gender and genetics say there are presently 89 different genders. That’s far more than what the Expert in gender and genetics tells us; the Creator Himself says there are two, and only two genders, male and female (Genesis 1:27; 5:2). In generations past any act to override one’s birth gender was considered an act of abhorrent sacrilege against the laws of God and nature itself. However, it is interesting to note that gender cannot be changed behaviorally, verbally or genetically (Jeremiah 13:23). The DNA embedded in Caitlyn Jenner’s body is male, not female.

But there is an important point overlooked in this controversial issue. The names of every person ever born are recorded in the Book of Life. The New Testament refers to this book eight times (Philippians 4:3; Revelation 3:5; 17:8). Theologically, there are actually two Books of Life; the Lamb’s Book of Life records the name of all those who have been genuinely born again (Revelation 13:8; 21:27). It is the name William Bruce Jenner and not Caitlyn Marie Jenner that is recorded in the Book of Life (Revelation 20:12). He’s still Bruce to God. Think about it.

Monday, February 13, 2017

By Dr. M. R. Dowler

There was a foreign news item that appeared several years ago that hardly caused a blip in the international press. In January 2011 the Iranian government removed all road and informational signs to the ancient tombs of Esther and Mordecai, officially downgrading them as an official Christian pilgrimage site. This action was in response to radical Muslim protesters threatening to destroy the tombs. Esther and Mordecai were Jews serving in the fifth century BC Persian royal court (Esther 10:32; 11:3) and buried in the Iranian city of Hamadan.

Grace is a common word in the Christian faith; we read about and sing songs about grace. But as common as the concept of grace is (Ephesians 2:5, 8), there are as many misconceptions. One such misunderstanding is that grace is an exclusively New Testament doctrine. Granted, the theology of grace is epitomized in the life and death of the Lord Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 13:14) and outlined in the acronym GRACE – God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. But grace does appear in the Old Testament (Genesis 6:8).

The Hebrew words for grace are hanan and hen. Hanan is a verb defined as actively giving and receiving favor (Genesis 39:21; Exodus 33:12); hen is a noun used 67 times and defined as a movement toward a positive end (Jeremiah 29:11). In the Jewish mindset hanan has to do with what we do for others; hen has everything to do with the providence of God to us, as in the unfolding of God’s Will for us.

We can see how this movement of grace works in the story of Esther; here the noun hen is used three times (Esther 2:15, 17; 5:2). It was God’s invisible hand that prompted Esther to find grace (hen) in the eyes of King Ahasuerus, so that God could ultimately deliver His people from destruction through Queen Esther. Simply stated, God uses grace to put the right person in the right place at the right time. The person or situation that led to grace coming into your life was His hen, His movement toward a positive end. Amazing grace, how sweet the sound! Think about it.

Monday, February 6, 2017

  By Dr. M. R. Dowler
There is a building on the busy Misgar Ladach Street in Jerusalem that houses the research offices and museum of the Temple Institute. The Temple Institute is within sight of the Jews’ most sacred place in Jerusalem---the Western Wall AKA the Wailing Wall, or simply HaKotel (The Wall). Founded in 1987, the institute’s task is three-fold---1) to educate the public about their temples, 2) to encourage the Jewish people about the need for another temple, and 3) to prepare for the new temple.

Central to the work and worship in the ancient Jewish tabernacle and temple was the High Priest and the attending priests. The Bible meticulously details every aspect of work in the temple---even the attire of the priests (Exodus 28). All of that ended in 70 AD when the Romans destroyed the temple. The structure, then named Herod’s Temple was so thoroughly destroyed that the only thing remaining was the western wall (Luke 21:5-6).

The Temple Institute believes the time has come for a new Jewish temple, as well as the return of their Messiah. Over the past few years they have prepared all the priestly garments to be worn, made all the worship instruments required and trained many of the new priests. Also, in 2004 the Sanhedrin was reorganized and a new High Priest was selected. According to the institute’s director, all that is preventing the start of temple construction is the return of their Messiah. Unfortunately, the next messiah to appear in Israel will be a false one. We know him as the Antichrist (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4).

Preterism is a strange false doctrine, introduced in 1614, and making a comeback in churches and colleges. The word Preterism is derived from the Latin word preter meaning past. Preterism teaches that all Bible prophecy was fulfilled in 70 AD; including the rapture and Second Coming. Of course, we know that didn’t happen. Theologically, Jesus cannot return until a new temple is functioning in Jerusalem (Revelation 11:1-2). Simply stated, the fact that you and I are still here is proof that Jesus physically isn’t, yet (2 Thessalonians 4:14-18; Revelation 19:11-16). Think about it.