Monday, November 23, 2015

By Dr. M. R. Dowler

After fifty years there is little I remember of my first trip to New York City in the 1960s. But one image remains; the Automat, a massive store of vending machines selling practically any kind of food or drink imaginable. Even though the Automat would close some ten years after I was there, to an 8-year boy, I thought it was neat watching someone insert some coins and pull out a sandwich, a salad or a piece of pie.

It’s an understatement to say that God is the most misunderstood Person in the universe. Much of the world form false images of God based on faulty theology of who He is and how He works. Simply stated, God’s greatest passion is to be known (through salvation) and understood (Acts 17:23-24; 2 Timothy 2:12; Proverbs 28:5).

Consider three misconceptions about God believed by many. 1) The Cosmic Kill-Joy Myth – that God never wants us to have any fun. Some look at the Bible as Book of “dos and don’ts.” 2) The Invisible Force Myth – Star War’s “May the Force be with you” notwithstanding, some see God as nothing more than an invisible force like magnetism or mysticism, and 3) The Vending Machine Myth – the belief that God and spirituality is as simple as “pay, push and wa-lah, the prize” like the Automat.

But God is none of those myths and misconceptions. Benevolence is one of the fundamental aspects of God’s divine character. God is good (Psalm 25:8; 33:5; Nahum 1:7). His goodness is a gift of His grace toward all, extending to all He loves (John 3:16; Psalm 34:8). Always remember---God is good all the time; all the time God is good. Think about it.

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