Monday, August 29, 2016

 By Dr. M. R. Dowler

An interesting article appeared in the news this week----Satan worship is on the rise around the world. The article cited a satanic group that was recently allowed to offer an invocation prayer at a local government meeting in Alaska. The group of satanists claimed to be members of an organization called The Satanic Temple, founded in 2013 with seven chapters scattered across the US, and claiming a membership of 100,000. One of The Satanic Temple’s stated goal is to eliminate “the preferential treatment” of Christianity in politics in general and public schools in particular.

One particular organization the satanists have taken aim at is the Good News Clubs, a non-denominational after-school Christian program for five to twelve year-old children. Meeting in over 3,500 public schools, the 95-year old Good News Clubs offers Bible studies, games, singing and fun. As a ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship, the Good News Clubs won a seminal 2001 Supreme Court decision to operate after-hours in public schools alongside the civic-minded Boy and Girl Scouts.

It should not come as a surprise that satanism is on the rise. As the darkness of the end time looms, the world is hurling toward the worship of the Prince of Darkness through his surrogate, the Antichrist (Revelation 13:4). Theologically, Satan and his minions dominate human government and culture (Ephesians 6:12), the enemy of all that is good (John 10:10) and the malignant ruler of the atmospheric heavens surrounding the earth (Ephesians 2:2).

Interestingly, Lucifer was created holy and enjoyed heavenly honors, however through his unfettered pride and arrogant ambition to usurp the power and position of God, he was cast out of his privileged position (Isaiah 14:12-15) and thereafter became known as Satan, meaning “adversary” and “the accuser” (Revelation 12:9-10). In an effort to compete with the Good News Clubs for the hearts and minds of young people, the satanists have organized an alternate organization----the After School Satan Club, whose aim is to present the devil in a positive light to the children. How tragically ironic---prayer is no longer allowed in our public schools, but Satan is invited right in. Think about it.

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