Sunday, February 14, 2016

By Dr. M. R. Dowler

Today is Valentine’s Day, a holiday that has been associated with love and romance for over 600 years. According to the most recent statistics, before the end of this day over 180 million cards will have been exchanged and nearly 200 million roses will have been given. Women, by average buy more Valentine cards (85%), while more men purchase candy and roses (73%). And here’s another interesting statistic---an average of 11,000 children will be conceived today.

The heart is at the very center of Valentine’s Day. The heart also plays a prominent place in the scriptures; the word heart is mentioned 830 times (KJV). Physiologically, the heart is that blood-pumping organ in our chest, which will beat over two billion times in an average lifetime. However, biblically, the heart takes on a totally different role. It is the seat of human emotion, intellect, morality and sin.

We are all familiar with the “Which came first, the chicken or the egg” question. But here’s an old theological question to ponder---“Are we sinners because we sin?” or “Do we sin because we are sinners?” There is a vast difference between the two questions. And the answers to these questions all begin with the heart.

Theologically, we sin because we are sinners. We do not begin life pure (Proverbs 20:9); because of Adam’s sin (Romans 5:12, 15), we are born with a sin nature (Psalm 51:5; 53:3), therefore, the act of sin is merely a manifestation of our fallen nature. Sin begins in our heart (Mark 7:20-23), and it is in the heart God examines the motives of our actions (Jeremiah 17:10). So enjoy the day that’s all about the heart, but remember, God is more interested in our hearts than we ever can be. Think about it. Happy Valentine’s Day.

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