Monday, February 8, 2016

By Dr. M. R. Dowler

I have visited the Temple Mount and the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem twice. However my most recent visit has been the most interesting. Prior to visiting the holy site that day I had made a few purchases of non-religious souvenirs for family and friends in the Jerusalem markets. But much to my surprise, one particular souvenir proved a bit problematic; a t-shirt for my son-in-law with the words Star Wars printed in Hebrew.

Security has been tight for tourists of the Temple Mount since the recent September 2015 Muslim uprisings. The guard searching my bag would not let me pass because of the Hebrew writing on the movie logo t-shirt. The situation was quickly rectified by allowing me to store the “questionable” item at a designated place. Although a bit embarrassed by the special attention over some personal items, I came to understand the sensitive nature of the Temple Mount. I passed through security with my other souvenirs (which did pass inspection) and toured the site of the former ancient Solomon and Herod’s Temples without further incident.

Refecting on my embarrassing conundrum two prophetic scriptures came to mind---the reference to “the time of the Gentiles” (Luke 21:24) and “the fullness of the Gentiles” (Romans 11:25). Theologically, they are not the same. The “time of the Gentiles” referred to by our Lord is that period of time in which Jerusalem would be under Gentile authority. The 1,300-year-old Muslim Dome of the Rock is evidence that this eschatalogical “time of the Gentiles” is still in effect. But we may be getting close to a change in ownership.

Simply stated, the “fullness of the Gentiles” is the number of people who will become born-again believers during the Church Age. When that number (known only by God) is reached, Jesus will return in the Rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:15-18) to bring His church home to heaven. So, as long as sinners continue to accept Jesus as personal Lord and Savior (Romans 10:9); and the Temple Mount remains under Gentile control, both the “times of the Gentiles” and the “fullness of the Gentiles” remain in effect. Commenting about the recent Muslim uprisings, Chief Rabbi Chaim Richman said, “They scream when we [the Jews] ascend the Mount because they know the Master of the house is coming home!” Think about it. 

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