Monday, June 13, 2016

By Dr. M. R. Dowler

Father’s Day is a holiday celebrated around the world on different dates ranging from April to September. In America, President Richard Nixon signed the bill in 1972 making the third Sun-day in June a national holiday. Sometimes dads get a bad rap; often characterized as being hapless and clueless to many common daily situations. And while it may appear as if Dad is the last to know; in God’s eyes, fathers are to be the guardians and communicators of spiritual truth in their respective families (Deuteronomy 6:6-7).

The Apostle Paul visited the northern Greek city of Berea on his second missionary journey, although the biblical narrative of his visit comprises only four verses (Acts 17:10-14). I had the opportunity to visit the city (today called Veria) on a cold, drizzly day in 2011, standing on all that remains of the ancient synagogue. The Bereans serves as one of the best examples of biblical critical thinking. And verse 11 is the key; they listened with an open mind and heart and then searched the scriptures to verify the accuracy of the information.

We live in a day of biblical ignorance and doctrinal anemia, undoubtedly contributing to the lack critical thinking among Christians, who blindly turn to the Bible without taking time to think about the information communicated. The ancient Bereans knew the scriptures because they critically analyzed the message, made an evaluation and applied Paul's teaching to their lives. Sadly, most modern-day believers do not follow the Berean model; they’re too busy with church work and special projects to receive, dissimulate, and then communicate the truth to their family and friends.

It is important for everyone, especially fathers to have a basic knowledge of the scriptures. Jesus said it is the written Word of God that brings salvation and eternal life (John 5:39). Theologically, the Bible is the only source document we have about the life and mission of the Savior (Romans 15:4; 1 Peter 1:23). So in a world that is groping in the dark for the answers to the questions of life, love and livelihood, ask your (or a) dad. Hopefully, he will have searched the scriptures and will have a ready answer (1 Peter 3:15). Think about it. Happy Father’s Day.

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