Monday, June 20, 2016

By Dr. M. R. Dowler

Walk into any tropical fish store and invariably you will find a tank of zebra fish. Commonly harvested from India, Pakistan and Burma and imported to the United States, the zebra fish (AKA Zebra Danio) is a tiny freshwater guppy-like striped fish, hence the name. Cheap in price and with a playful disposition, the zebra fish is considered a good starter fish for beginner aquarists. And while the zebra fish can be a colorful addition to your aquarium, there is a lot more to this tiny striped fish than meets the eye.

The zebra fish shares a unique ability with certain lizards allowing them to regenerate fins, skin, hearts, and in the case of the zebra fish, portions of their brains can be regenerated during the early stages of their development. Biologists report that zebra fish shares 70 percent of their genetic code with human. In fact, the tiny zebra fish is a genetic rock star in that researchers around the world are studying the applicability of the zebra fish’s regenerative abilities to the development of cures for human diseases like macular degeneration, glaucoma, leukemia, spinal cord injuries and many birth defects.

Spiritual Regeneration is defined as the spiritual transformation (literally, “regeneing”) of the repentant sinner through the new birth (John 3:3-8). The Bible pictures sinners as spiritually deaf, blind and dead, unable to understand truth (Romans 3:9-20). The idea of regeneration is pictured twice in the New Testament (Matthew 19:28 and Titus 3:5), and because of His finished work of salvation, spiritual regeneration is possible for Adam's entire race (1 Corinthians 15:45).

Theologically, conversion and regeneration are linked. As two sides of a coin, conversion is the human response to God’s offer of salvation (Acts 3:19), while regeneration is completely God’s doing; it is His response to our acceptance of Jesus as Savior (2 Corinthians 5:17). Although God created man without his man’s help, He will not save man without man’s consent. Science continues to study the zebra fish to understand natural regeneration; spiritual regeneration cannot be understood until it is fully experienced (Romans 10:9). Think about it.

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